Tag Archives: ASP.NET-WEBAPI

WCF Configuration for Large Data

In one of our projects we had to transfer large data from the server to the client WPF application. In the beginning we had some performance issues. Therefore we decided to do some comparisons between ASP.NET Web API, WCF (with and without protobuf-net). The configuration: ASP.NET Web API WCF (Protobuf) WCF – Protobuf serializer –… Read More »

Swap Your WebHost With OWIN / Katana

The OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET) specification defines how to decouple web applications from the web server. Detailed information you can get here: http://owin.org Because it’s specification, you won’t find any applications or libraries. One of the concret impelmentations of OWIN is called Katana. Katana is developed by Microsoft and the Community. The code… Read More »